Recurring Charges: Update allows you to enter Accounts Receivable Recurring Charges. Recurring Charges are transactions that are entered once and then transferred periodically (e.g., once a month) when processing invoices.
This Section Includes:
Select the Customer in the Person Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the customer for which you are creating the transaction and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a customer.
NOTE: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of customers by searching for just a comma. Results default to Accounts Receivable, select All Applications from the drop-down list to view all names.
Click the Add New Customer button if you want to add a new customer instead of selecting an existing one (More Information).
By default the Customer is also the Bill To. If you want to change this, click the Search icon by the Bill To to display the Person Search window again.
Select the Billing Option. You can set up additional billing options in Modify Preferences (More Information). Enter the Default Days Due to be used for calculating due dates when the recurring charge is transferred. Select the Start Date for the recurring charge.
Select the Revenue Center and the Source and select if the recurring charge is Active.
Select if you want to Use ACH. This option causes a new ACH tab to appear below. You can also select categories for your Divisions as applicable.
There are six tabs on the page if you have Use ACH selected above and select to Use Payment Schedule.
The Details tab is where you put the recurring charge detail. Select or enter your Item and then edit your Description as necessary.
NOTE: Set up and edit items in Modify Item Information (More Information).
You can edit the Unit Price and # of the item and also select a Project. The Amount field is a calculation of your Unit Price multiplied by the # of the item. After entering all information for the detail line you can click the Add New Line icon or the Add New Line link to add another detail line if desired. As many detail lines as needed can be added in this fashion. You can also enter a number between 1-99 on the right and click the Add New Lines
icon to add multiple lines at once (e.g., Add 10 New Lines).
NOTE: Click the Search icon to display a Search window. Use the filter at the top to narrow down your selection. On the Item or Project Search windows you can also select to Show Inactive. You can then double-click the selection you wish to make or click it and click Select. Click the Close link to return to the Update page without making a selection.
Enter the Limit for this recurring charge if applicable (0 for no limit). The limit amount must be evenly divisible by the Invoice Total unless a payment schedule is used. Once the limit has been reached no further instances of this recurring charge are transferred. If you have entered a limit you can select if you want to Use Payment Schedule.
The Limit amount is not reduced when the transfer utility is run if the recurring charge has a payment schedule. Instead, the recurring charge is marked inactive after all scheduled payments have been transferred. |
At the bottom right of the grid the Total of Lines, Sales Tax, and Invoice Total display.
Sales tax only applies to an invoice when an invoiced item is taxable and the customer who is being invoiced is subject to the same tax. |
The Payment Schedule tab allows you to enter a payment schedule for your recurring payments that have a limit. You can enter payment dates manually by entering in the Date and Amount. Click the Add New Payment Date link to add another payment date. Click the Auto Generate Payment Schedule button to have the program create your payment schedule for you. In the Auto Generate Payment Schedule window select the First Payment Date. Click the Create Payment Schedule button to create the payment schedule or the Cancel link to return to the previous page without creating the schedule. When you use the automatic option the system takes the limit of the recurring charge and divides it by the unit price and creates that many payments. Any remainder is put into a final payment. For example, if the unit price is $500 and you have a $5250 limit the automatic option schedules eleven payments (10 for $500 and one for $250).
The Auto Generate Payment Schedule button is only active when using one of the following Billing Options: Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, or Annually. The button is not active if there are any existing payment dates in the grid. Click Clear Schedule if you want to clear all payment dates that have not yet been transferred. |
When a recurring charge is transferred the Invoice # populates in the grid. Schedule entries that have invoice numbers assigned to them cannot be deleted. The option to use a payment schedule on the Details tab cannot be deselected once an invoice from a recurring charge that uses a payment schedule has been transferred.
On the right side of the page the Total of Lines is displayed. This corresponds to the information on the Details tab. Under these are the Schedule Limit, Total of Schedule, and Amount Remaining, which refer to the schedule entries on the Payment Schedule tab. If you are manually setting up schedule entries you can see the second set of numbers adjust as you enter them. The total of your combined schedule entries must match the limit amount or you are not able to save the recurring charge.
Sales tax is not taken into account when calculating a payment schedule. Any applicable sales tax is applied to a recurring charge when it is transferred. |
Click the Clear Schedule link to be prompted to confirm you wish to clear the schedule.
The ACH information set up as the default on the customer record is selected in the Account(s) assigned drop-down list. If desired use the drop-down list to select a different account. Informational fields for Account Type, Bank Routing #, Bank Account # display the settings for the selected account. You can also select add new account in the Account(s) assigned drop-down list and enter the appropriate information in the fields provided. This information is saved to the customer record when you save the recurring charge.
The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. See the Attachments Help Page for detailed information regarding the attachments feature.
Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.
The following columns display for each time the recurring charge has been transferred: Invoice #, Date, and Amount. The number of entries and a total amount display below the grid.
If you transfer a recurring charge and then delete the resulting invoice from the Manage Unposted Invoices page, that listing is removed from the Invoice Applications tab. |
When finished click the Apply button to save the recurring charge and start entering a new recurring charge, the Update button to save changes to the recurring charge and return to the Recurring Charges page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the recurring charge was updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Recurring Charges page without saving your changes.