Manage Unposted Gifts allows you to filter, view, edit, and add new batches.
This Section Includes:
The options available in the Filters area are:
•Batch Date:
•Who Setup:
Click the Search button to display the results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
Click the Preferences button to set Gift Entry Preferences. These settings are user specific.
•Show Pledge Balance:
•Enter Check Number:
•Enter Gift Total:
•Use Cross Check: See Test Cross Check Tab for more information.
•Use Media:
•Use Projects:
•Use Sub Donor:
•Disable Duplicate Check Warning:
•Show in Pledge Column:
Pledge Amount: Displays the pledge dollar amount in the pledge column on the entry screen.
Pledge Exists: Displays **Pledged** in the pledge column on the entry screen, which simply indicates that a pledge has been made but does not reveal the amount or past giving activity
Pledge Balance: Displays the pledge balance in the pledge column on the entry screen. Only available when Show Pledge Balance is selected in the Preference grid.
•Check the Purposes that you want to automatically display on the Gift Entry screen. Once selected, you can then click and drag the move icon to reorder the purposes.
•Check to Enforce Totals to Balance? This causes the program to force the user to balance both the expected Verify Amount and Verify Count when adding gifts to a batch. Posting cannot be completed until the totals agree.
The Test Cross Check tab displays only when "Use Cross Check" is selected on the Entry Preferences tab.
•Click Scan CrossCheck to test the check scanner. If everything is working correctly, the Transit #, Account #, and Check # will auto-populate from the scanned check.
Click OK to save when done or the Cancel link to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on
The grid displays batches matching the selected filters with the following columns:
•Batch Date:
•Verify Amount:
•Actual Amount:
•Verify Count:
•Actual Count:
•Who Setup:
Double-click on a row or click the Edit icon to edit a pledge in the grid. Click the Delete
icon by a payment in the grid to be prompted to delete that payment.
You can also click the Add New Batch link to add a new batch (More Information).
Select the transactions you want to view and click Edit Report to display a preview of the Edit List of Gifts.
Click Report Preferences on the blue bar above the report preview to select from the following options:
The options available in the Filters area are:
•Report Type
•Order By
•Print Setup Information?
•Print Memo?
•Print Blank Line Between Individuals?
•Change Appearance? - Check the box and then choose the Font Type, Size, and Percent.
Click the Run Report button to generate a preview of the report.
•Click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their default values.
•Click the Close Report button to return to the dashboard.
The report displays on the Report Preview page. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information.
1. Select the batches you wish to post within the grid. You can also select the top box to select all batches in the grid.
2. Click the Post Batches button to begin the posting the selected batches.
•Posting Date
•Post Directly to General Ledger without Editing?
The report displays on the Report Preview page. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information.
Click the button to continue the finalize process.