Manage Pledges allows you to enter pledge to as many Activities as needed for each record.
(Optional) A feature is available to import pledges. See Utilities > Import Pledges for more information. |
This Section Includes:
The options available in the Filters area are:
•Name: Type all or part of the person name.
•Postal Code:
•Begin Date: Select the pledge begin date in which you want to view pledges
•Alternate ID:
•Conference Number Name:
Click the Search button to display the results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
The grid displays pledges matching the selected filters with the following columns:
•Alternate ID:
•Note: Hover over the Note icon to preview the note.
Double-click on a name or click the Edit icon to edit a pledge in the grid. You can also click the Add New Pledge link to add a new pledge. Click the Delete
icon by a payment in the grid to be prompted to delete that payment.
This Section Includes:
ØApportionment Distribution Tab
Click Add New Pledge.
Check the "Only Active?" box to include only those with an active status. Select the Name in the Person Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the customer for which you are creating the transaction and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting anyone.
NOTE: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of names by searching for just a comma. Results default to Accounts Receivable, select All Applications from the drop-down list to view all names.
Complete the following:
•Active: Check the "Active?" box to indicate the pledge for the record is active.
•Begin Date:
•End Date:
•Frequency: Choose the frequency from the drop-down list (e.g., Monthly(12)).
•Duration: (e.g., 24 would indicated 2 years if the frequency is monthly)
•Apportionment: Enter the total amount of the apportionment pledge.
•Periodic: Enter the periodic amount of the apportionment pledge.
NOTE: The amounts for Apportionment and Periodic are automatically calculated when one or the other is entered.
Click this button to distribute the Apportionment to each activity shown on the Apportionment Distribution tab. This is based on the allocated apportionment's percentages to each activity.
If you want to manually distribute the pledges, enter the pledge in the Apportionment field(s) on the Apportionment Distribution tab.
There are two tabs on the page: Apportionment Distribution, and Note.
Apportionment Distribution Tab
The Apportionment Distribution tab displays a grid containing activities and apportionments. The following columns are displayed for each activity:
•Received To Date
•Current Due
•Total Balance
Click the Add New icon to add another line of detail or click the Add New Lines
icon-link to add multiple lines of detail. Continue adding lines of detail as needed. Unused detail lines are ignored.
Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.
When finished click the Update button to save any information that has been added or changed, the Reset reset the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it, or the Cancel link to to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.
When finished click the Apply button to save changes to your transaction and start entering another, the Update button to save any information that has been added or changed, the Reset resets the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it, or the Cancel link to to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.