Manage Payroll Processing allows you to pay your employees.
This Section Includes:
Use the filters for Name, Home Department, Classification, and Frequency to narrow down your results. On the right make your selection:
•All Employees: All employees are displayed including ones selected through Enter Employees to Pay.
•Employees To Be Paid: Employees selected through Enter Employees to Pay are displayed.
•Employees Not To Be Paid: Employees without current payroll information are displayed.
Click the Search button to display a list of employees meeting your criteria or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
For each employee in the grid the Hours, Compensation, Deductions, Taxes, and Net are displayed. If using ACH a warning symbol appears if prenotification is needed or you are within the 6 day prenotification minimum.
Click the Select Employees To Pay button to access the Enter Employees to Pay page (More Information). You can also click the Clear Employees to Pay button to remove all current payroll information. The Distribution Selection Date field is used for selecting compensation and deduction distributions.
NOTE: If you used Enter Employees to Pay to select your employees the Distribution Selection Date field displays the date chosen at that time. Changing this date does not modify compensation or deduction distributions in the grid.
Time Clock Import
Click the Time Clock Import link if you are importing a TimeClock Plus file. Enter the Distribution Selection Date and then click the Choose File button to select the File Name of the TimeClock Plus file. Click the Import button to begin the process.
Map your Time Off Job Codes according to the numbers set up within Time Clock Plus. You can then use the Distributions tab to map Job Codes to specific distributions. Double-click a Job Code or click the Edit
Click the Update button to finalize the Time Clock Import or the Cancel link to return to the Payroll Processing page without importing.
If you have salaried employees that are included in the Time Clock import under a different hourly compensation (but not with their salaried compensation) and you need to include both their salaried and hourly rates on the payroll run then you must run Enter Employees to Pay for only "Salaried" employees (i.e., exclude "Hourly" employees) before you import your Time Clock file. Otherwise, those employees only have their hourly rates selected to pay.
Warning: If Salaried employees are included in the Time Clock Import file, but the only hours included for those employees are Time Off Hours (e.g. Holiday, Vacation, Sick, Personal, etc.) there is a risk of the salary being doubled in Payroll Processing. In this scenario, it is recommended the Time Clock Import file be imported first, and then run "Select Employees To Pay" second to add the other employees to Payroll Processing.
Click the Expand icon by an employee to see their check detail. Double-click an employee or click the Edit
icon to edit the check detail (More Information). Click the Delete
icon by an employee to be prompted to delete the current payroll information for that employee.
Click the Payroll Edit Report button to display a preview of the Edit List of Payroll (More Information). Click the Process Payroll button to begin the posting process for all checks and vouchers in the grid (More Information).
NOTE: If there are employees to pay set to use ACH Direct Deposit who have not been included in an ACH Prenotification or who are within the minimum 6 day waiting period you receive a notification when you click the Process Payroll button. Click the OK button to continue or the Cancel link to return to the Payroll Processing page.
If you are using a free trial of the Financials, then you have an Email Vouchers button on the Payment Processing page when you have emails queued to send. Click this button to send your emails. When the button disappears, your emails are sent. |