Use Modify Statement Design to specify statement-printing information. This feature allows you to customize the print locations on the statements.
This Section Includes:
Click the Add New Format link to start from a blank design, the Make a Copy link to start from a copy of the currently selected design, or click any design in the side bar to select it.
You cannot save any changes to the Default Summary Statement or Default Detail Statement designs. Use the Make a Copy link. |
Edit the Title of the statement. You can then adjust the settings on each of the tabs: Paper, Heading/Footing, Body, Body Totals, and Images.
•Paper Type: Choose Letter, Legal, or Custom from the drop-down list. If you select Custom you can then edit the Page Width (inches) and Page Height (inches) fields.
•Orientation: Portrait or Landscape
•Font Size:
•Forms Per Page: 1 form per page to 5 forms per page
•Print in Body: Detail or Summary
•Vertical Starting for Body (inches):
•Vertical Ending for Body (inches):
The Vertical Starting for Body and Vertical Ending for Body along with Vertical Offset for items on the Heading/Footing tab must have values that fall within the available height based on the Paper Type and Forms Per Page (ex: with a Paper Type of Letter and 2 Forms Per Page, the allowable range would be 0.25 - 5.25 inches).
If your values are outside of the allowable range you are not able to save your changes to the statement design. Instead, a message appears detailing everything that needs to be changed and giving you the allowable ranges for each field based on your selections on the Paper tab. |
Existing items display in the grid with the following columns:
•Heading: The heading for the item, if any
•Bold: Displays a check if the item is bolded
•Underline: Displays a check if the item is underlined
•Italics: Displays a check if the item is italicized
•Font Size:
•Vertical Offset (inches): The offset for the item from the top margin of the form
•Horizontal Offset (inches): The offset for the item from the left margin of the form
•Left Justified: Displays a check if the item is left justified
Double-click an item in the grid or click the Edit icon to edit. Click the Delete
icon by any item in the grid to be prompted to delete that item. Click Add New Item to add an item to the grid. Select the Item from the drop-down list, enter a Heading if applicable, select if you want the item in Bold, Underline, or Italics, enter the Font Size and Vertical and Horizontal Offset (in inches), and select if the item is Left Justified. You must click the Insert
icon in order to save your newly added line.
Heading/Footing Items:
•Company Name:
•Company Address:
•Statement Text:
•Page Number:
•Statement Date:
•Begin Date:
•End Date:
•Column 1 - 9 Description:
•Column Other Description:
•Donor Name:
•Donor Address:
•Envelope Number
•Person ID:
•Phone Number:
•Date Last Gift:
•Non Tax Total:
•Receipt Number: Generates a receipt number to print on the statement.
•Column 1 - 9 Previous Years: Prints total amount of previous year’s contributions.
•Column 1 - 9 Previous Periods: Prints total amount of previous period’s (current year) contributions.
•Column 1 - 9 Current Period: Prints total amount of the current period’s contributions.
•Column 1 - 9 This Year: Prints total amount of this year’s contributions.
•Column 1 - 9 To Date: Prints total amount of contributions to date, including prior years/periods and current amounts.
•Column 1 - 9 Pledge:Prints amount of pledge.
•Column 1 - 9 Pledge Frequency: Prints the pledge frequency associated with the pledge.
•Column 1 - 9 Total Pledge: Prints the total pledge amount.
•Column 1 - 9 Balance Total: Prints the balance of the total pledge.
•Column 1 - 9 Pledge Due: Prints the current period’s amount due against pledge.
•Column 1 - 9 Balance Due: Prints the total due against pledge.
•Total Previous Years: Prints total contributions for all purpose codes included in separate columns and received in previous years. (Note: for previous years’ amounts to be included, the “include previous year” check box must be marked on the Columns Tab for the specific purpose in the Statement report setup.
•Total Previous Periods: Prints total amount contributed in current year’s previous periods for all purposes included in separate columns.
•Total Current Period: Prints total amount contributed in statement’s current period for all purposes included on statement.
•Total This Year: Prints total amount contributed in statement’s current year for all purposes included on statement.
•Total to Date: Prints the Total amount of all contributions included on the statement to the statement’s end date.
•Total Pledge: Prints the total pledge for one pledge period (e.g. two monthly pledges of $100 each produces $200, while two pledges, one monthly of $100 and one weekly of $10 produces a total pledge of $110.)
•Total Pledge Frequency:
•Total Total Pledge: Prints the sum of all pledges included in separate columns on the statement.
•Total Balance Total: Prints the sum of all outstanding pledge amounts.
•Total Pledge Due: Prints the sum of all outstanding pledge amounts as of the end of the statement period.
•Total Balance Due: Prints the difference between the Total Balance Total and the Total Balance.
•Continued Next Page:
•Relationship Name:
•Relationship Address:
Existing items display in the grid with the following columns:
•Item: See Body Tab Items below.
•Heading: The heading for the item, if any
•Bold: Displays a check if the item is in bold
•Underline: Displays a check if the item is underlined
•Italics: Displays a check if the item is italicized
•Font Size:
•Horizontal Offset (inches): The offset for the item from the left margin of the form
•Left Justified: Displays a check if the item is left justified
Double-click an item in the grid or click the Edit icon to edit. .Click the Delete
icon by any item in the grid to be prompted to delete that item. Click Add New Item to add an item to the grid. Select the Item from the drop-down list, enter a Heading if applicable, select if you want the item in Bold, Underline, or Italics, enter the Font Size and Horizontal Offset (in inches), and select if the item is Left Justified. You must click the Insert
icon in order to save your newly added line.
Body Tab Items:
•Date No Year:
•Check Number:
•Column 1 Amount:
•Column 1 Pledge Balance:
•Column 1 Non Tax:
•Column 2 Amount:
•Column 2 Pledge Balance:
•Column 2 Non Tax:
•Column 3 Amount:
•Column 3 Pledge Balance:
•Column 3 Non Tax:
•Column 4 Amount:
•Column 4 Pledge Balance:
•Column 4 Non Tax:
•Column 5 Amount:
•Column 5 Pledge Balance:
•Column 5 Non Tax:
•Column 6 Amount:
•Column 6 Pledge Balance:
•Column 6 Non Tax:
•Column 7 Amount:
•Column 7 Pledge Balance:
•Column 7 Non Tax:
•Column 8 Amount :
•Column 8 Pledge Balance:
•Column 8 Non Tax:
•Column 9 Amount:
•Column 9 Pledge Balance:
•Column 9 Non Tax:
•Other Purpose:
•Other Description: Prints the description of a purpose code for gifts not specifically included under a specific column.
•Other Amount: Prints the amount of gifts not specifically included under a specific column.
•Total Amount: Prints the sum of all contributions included on statement in a column.
•Non Cash Memo: Prints the text entered on the memo tab in Contribution Processing for non-cash gifts.
•All Memos: Prints the text entered on the memo tab in Contribution Processing for all gifts.
•Other Non-Tax Amount: Prints Amounts of Non-Tax deductible receipts entered in Contribution Processing. Available only if associated purpose codes are set as a Non-Tax Deductible purpose.
Vertical Offset for Body Totals: Leave at 0.00 (default) to print the Body Totals directly after the Body detail lines. Entering an offset other than 0.00 will cause the Body Totals to show in an exact location on the statement (i.e., all donor statements will have the Body Totals in the same location).
Existing items display in the grid with the following columns:
•Item: See Body Tab Items below.
•Position: Top or Bottom
•Bold: Displays a check if the item is bold
•Underline: Displays a check if the item is underlined
•Italics: Displays a check if the item is italicized
•Font Size
•Head Starting (Inches):
Double-click an item in the grid or click the Edit icon to edit. .Click the Delete
icon by any item in the grid to be prompted to delete that item. Click Add New Item to add an item to the grid. Select the Item from the drop-down list, enter a Heading if applicable, select if you want the item in Bold, Underline, or Italics, enter the Font Size and Horizontal Offset (in inches), and select if the item is Left Justified. You must click the Insert
icon in order to save your newly added line.
Body Tab Items:
•Periodic Pledge:
•Prior Years:
•Prior Periods:
•Current Period:
•This Year:
•To Date:
•Blank Line:
•Total Pledge:
•Non Cash:
•Current Fiscal Year:
•Non Cash This Year:
•Pledge Due:
•Balance Due:
You can select up to four images using the Choose File buttons. For each, select if you want to Maintain Aspect Ratio. You can then select the Image Width (inches), Image Height (inches), Horizontal Location (inches), and Vertical Location (inches)
The Restore Defaults button completely restores all settings on all tabs to defaults. Click the Test Statement Design button to see a preview of your statement design. Click the Update button to save changes to your statement design, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the design was updated, or the Cancel link to discard all changes and return to the Accounts Receivable dashboard.
Click the button to save any information that has been added or changed.
Click the Reset link to reset the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it.
Click the Cancel link to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.