The Control Table Information page allows you to modify the Pension Billing control table items. These items include Conference Relationship, District, Ethnicity, Position, and Special Appointment. The types contained in these drop-down lists can be added, edited, combined, or deleted on the Control Table Information page.
This Section Includes:
The Control Table Grid displays all of the types that have been added to an item. Select an item from the drop-down list to view the types associated with that item.
The following items are available from the drop-down list:
•Conference Relationship: The Conference Relationship item is assigned to an Appointee on the Appointee Information page. Some examples of Conference Relationship types are listed below.
•District: The District item is used for filtering on both the Charge and Organization listing reports. This item is also on the Charge Information and the Appointee Information pages. Some examples of District types are listed below.
•Ethnicity: The Ethnicity item is on both the Appointee Information and Organization Information pages. Some examples of Ethnicity types are listed below.
•Position: The Position item is on the Appointee Information page and can be used to filter Appointee records and on the Appointee Information report. It can also be found on the Organization Information page under the Appointments Tab. Some examples of Position types are listed below.
•Special Appointment: The Special Appointment item is only found on the Appointee Information page. Some examples of Special Appointment types are listed below.
NOTE: Each item can have an unlimited number of types assigned to it.
Click the Add New Type icon-link to add a new type.
•Enter a description and then click the Apply button to save your entry and continue adding new types.
•Enter a description and then click the OK button to save your entry and return to the grid.
•Click the Cancel link to return to the grid.
Editing a type consists of either modifying the description or combining it with another type. If a type is modified, then the records assigned to that type are also modified. If a type is combined, then the records assigned to that type are changed to the Combine With type specified during the combine process.
Click the Edit icon next to the type you want to modify.
•Modify the description and then click the Update button to save your changes.
•Click the Cancel link to return to the grid.
NOTE: The Combine ? check box does not display under the Description field if there is only one type listed for an item. There must be at least two types listed for an item in order to use the "Combine" feature.
Click the Edit icon next to the type that you want to combine and then click the Combine? check box. Next, select a type from the Combine With drop-down.
•Click the Update button to combine the types.
•Click the Cancel link to return to the grid.
NOTE: The type specified in the Combine With field is the type that remains after the combination process is complete. This process cannot be undone.
Click the Delete icon to remove a type.
•Click the Yes button to delete the type.
•Click the No link to return to the grid.
Deleting a type that has records assigned
When deleting a type that has records assigned, the "Alert Message" or "Confirm Delete" window appears.
Alert Message In some cases, you cannot delete a Control Table type after it has been assigned to a record. The Alert Message window displays how many records are assigned to that type.
Confirm Delete In other cases, you are allowed to delete a Control Table type after it has been assigned to a record. The Confirm Delete window displays how many records are currently using the type. •Select "No" to cancel the Delete process. •Select "Yes" to delete the type and clear the type off of the records that have been assigned that type.