Modify Account Information allows you to set up and edit accounts. Information for each account must be established before you process transactions.
Account Types must be entered before setting up Accounts. These are the basic types of accounts you offer your depositors, including savings accounts or time deposits, along with their interest rates, interest accrual, posting policies, etc. Each account opened is one of these types.
This Section Includes:
The options available in the Filters area are:
•Group: Select the group from which you wish to display accounts.
•Account Type: Select the account type from which you wish to display accounts.
•Depositor: Select the Depositor by clicking the (not set) link or the Search icon. This displays the Person Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the depositor for which you are creating the account and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a depositor.
Note: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of individuals by searching for just a comma.
•Account Name: Type all or part of the account name.
•Account Number: Type all or part of the account number.
•Include Inactives: Select Show Only Active, Show Only Inactive, or Show Active and Inactive.
Click the Search button to display the results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
The grid displays accounts that match your selection with the following columns:
•Account Type (shown unless you are filtering by a specific account type)
•Account Number
•Note: Hover over the Note icon to preview note contents.
•Setup: Hover over the Information icon to display user and time information for when the item was set up and last updated.
•Attach: Hover over the Attach icon to display any notes on the attachment(s) and the filenames of attached files.
•Hover over the Inquiry icon to display information about the account. This includes address information, the Inception Date, whether the account is Active, and all deposits, withdrawals, interest, adjustments, and Ending Balance.
•Click the Close Account link to prematurely close an account. See below for more information.
Close Account
The close account window displays the Account Number and Depositor for the account. Specify the Post Interest Through date, which is the date through which interest for the account will be posted. You can then specify the Interest Deposit On date which is the date of the transaction. Click the OK button to move forward in closing the account or the Close link to return to the Account Information page.
The program prompts you with how much interest needs to be posted to close the account, along with the final balance. After interest is posted, a closing withdrawal is created and the account is deactivated. In the below example, an interest posting journal of $56.65 is immediately sent to the General Ledger. When the withdrawal transaction of $2056.65 is posted in Manage Unposted Transactions (More Information), another journal entry is created and a withdrawal transaction is sent to Accounts Payable Payment Processing.
To continue the closing process click the Yes button (More Information). Click the No link to return to the Account Information page. |
Double-click on an account or click the Edit icon to edit an account in the grid. You can also click the Add New Account link to add a new account (More Information) within the filtered Group and Account Type. Click the Delete
icon by any item in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only delete unused accounts.