Modify Account Structure and Accounts
This Step-by-Step tutorial guides you through adding and modifying fund and department levels on the Account Structure page. It also walks you through adding and modifying account groups and accounts on the Chart of Accounts page. There are also some steps at the end for transferring an account from one department to another using the Move Account utility.
•Review the 101 Financials - Chart of Accounts free training course. A quick overview of how a Chart of Accounts and Account Structure works. Use this to help prepare for training with a consultant, to give you proper understanding of the questions needed and work to be done.
•For a visual tutorial, see the Modify Account Structure and Accounts video.
•All video tutorials can be viewed from the Tutorials & Videos page.
This Section Includes:
1. From the General Ledger menu, select Modify -> Account Structure.
2. Click the Add New Fund button.
3. Enter the fund Number and Name. You can copy a chart of accounts to the new fund from another fund by clicking the Copy from another Fund check box. Select the Company/Fiscal Year and Fund you want to copy from and then select any other options. When finished, click the OK button.
4. To make changes to a fund, click the Edit icon next to it.
5. Change any of the fields of information such as the Name or Default Closing Account, and then click the Update button when you are finished.
6. Next, Let's take a look at modifying departments. Start by adding a new department. Click the Add new icon next to a fund where you want to add the department.
7. The Add New Department window appears. Enter a department Number and Name. Just like funds, you have an option to copy the chart of accounts. Click the Copy from another Department check box and then specify the department that you want to copy from. Select any other options and then click the OK button when you are finished.
8. Click the Expand icon next to a fund to view the departments in that fund or click the Expand All button at the top of the page to view all departments.
9. To make changes to a department, click the Edit icon next to it.
10. Change the Number, Name, or Active status and then click the Update button.
11. You can delete a Fund or Department by clicking the Delete icon next to it.
NOTE: As a safeguard for your financial data integrity, a level cannot be deleted if an account number from that level has been assigned to a journal entry.
Next we'll guide you through making some changes to the detail section of your chart of accounts.
1. From the General Ledger menu, Select Modify -> Chart of Accounts.
2. Set your filters by selecting to view either the Balance Sheet or Income and Expense accounts, and then specify the levels you want to view. When finished setting your filters, click the Search button.
3. Click the Expand All button to view the account groups and accounts.
4. You can add an account group to display sub-totals on your financial reports. To add a new account group, click the Add Group button.
5. Enter the Starting # and Ending # for the group, a Name, and any other information. When finished, click the OK button to save the group.
6. After clicking the OK button, notice the new account group appears above the accounts it contains with the accounts indented under it.
7. To modify an account, click the Edit icon next to the account.
8. Modify the Name and make any other changes as appropriate. Click the Update button when you are finished.
NOTE: Even though you can change the account number directly on this window, if you want to move an account to a different department, that is done using the Move Account utility (covered at the end of this tutorial).
9. To view accounts in another department, click the Filters bar at the top of the page.
10. Select a different department and then click the Search button.
11. Next, let's look at adding a new account. Click the Add Account button.
NOTE: If you want to add a series of accounts that are incremented by a specific number, click the Add new icon. The new account number defaults to being the last account number in the group plus the Account Increment number. For example, if your Account Increment is set to "100" and you click the Add new
icon for a group that ends with account "57200", then the default account number is set to "57300".
12. Specify the Account # and Name, and any other information as appropriate.
13. If you want to add this account to other departments, there is a time-saving feature to help you with that. Click the Add to Levels... button at the bottom of the window. Select from the available departments listed on the grid and then click the Continue button.
14. After clicking the Continue button, you return to the Add New Account window. Review the account information and then click the OK button when you are finished.
The last feature we're going to take a look at is the ability to move an account from one department to another. Let's say you want to move the Wednesday night youth activity to be under the Church Events department, but you want to keep all the history that occurred while it was under the Students department. There is a utility for that.
1. From the General Ledger menu, select Utilities -> Move Account.
2. Specify the Fund, Department, and Account to move then select the Department where you want to move the account. Review your selection and then click the Update button.
3. A confirmation message appears at the bottom of the page when the account has been moved.