Modify Asset Information allows you to set up and edit information on your vendors.
This Section Includes:
You have access to the following Filters:
•Tag #: Selecting any option other than Show All displays field(s) so you can input the number(s).
•Classes: Select which (or all) Classes to view.
•Buildings: Select which (or all) Buildings to view.
•Rooms: Select which (or all) Rooms to view.
•Vendor: Select the Vendor by clicking the (not set) link or the Search icon. This displays the Vendor Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the vendor who sold your organization the asset and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a vendor.
NOTE: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of vendors by searching for just a comma.
•Capitalized Date: Select the capitalized date range from which you want to view assets. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
•Replacement Date: Select the replacement date range from which you want to view assets. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
•Sale Date: Select the sale date range from which you want to view assets. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
•Retired Date: Select the retired date range from which you want to view assets. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
•Contract Status: Select All or one of the following options: Neither warranty or contract, Warranty, or Contract.
•Warranty Vendor: Select the Warranty Vendor by clicking the (not set) link or the magnifying glass icon. This displays the Vendor Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the warranty vendor for the asset and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a warranty vendor.
NOTE: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of vendors by searching for just a comma.
•Contract Expire Date: Select the contract expire date range from which you want to view assets. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
•Comment Date: Select the comment date range from which you want to view assets. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
•Comment Profile: Select which (or all) Profiles to view.
•Comment Text
The Vendor and Warranty Vendor fields search existing records only. If you need to create a new vendor you need to go to Accounts Payable Vendor Information (More Information). |
You can also select to search for Active Assets Only. If you do not select this option, results include inactive assets only in the year they were replaced, sold, or retired. The current year is determined by your Current Financial Settings. Click Search to display results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
Active Assets include all assets that do not have a Replacement, Sale, or Retired date and those assets for which these dates are in the future. |
The Asset Information grid contains the following columns for each asset:
•Tag #
•Cap. Date (Capitalized Date)
•Note: Hover over the Note icon to preview the note.
•Setup: Hover over the Information icon to display user and time information for when the vendor was set up and last updated.
Click the Edit icon or double-click any asset in the grid to edit that record. You can also click the Add New Asset link to add a new asset (More Information). Click the Delete
icon to be prompted to delete an asset from the grid.
Import Fixed Assets using a formatted Excel file. This is an easy way to get started using Fixed Assets or when adding a series of new assets. See the File Layout below.
1. Select Import Fixed Assets.
2. File Name: Click Choose File. Browse to the folder where the file is located and select the file to import.
3. Click Import to continue or Cancel to return to the Asset Information page.
File Layout:
Required columns are shown with an asterisk (*). However, only the account structure levels that you are using need to be specified. For example, if you are only using funds and departments in your chart of accounts, you only need to specify "Fund" and "Department" columns in your Excel file. Also, Sub-Accounts are entered in the account fields as a dash followed by the sub-account number (e.g., 5010-2). This is only needed if you have Sub-Accounts turned on in Account Structure Settings and you have sub-accounts in your Chart of Accounts.
The order of the columns below does not matter, but the first field in each column must contain the descriptions listed below:
Region* (use only if it is included in your Account Structure)
Super Fund* (use only if it is included in your Account Structure)
Fund* (use only if it is included in your Account Structure)
Asset Account*
Depreciation Account* (Accumulated Depreciation Account #)
Location* (use only if it is included in your Account Structure)
Cost Center* (use only if it is included in your Account Structure)
Department* (use only if it is included in your Account Structure)
Expense Account*
Capitalized Date*
Capitalized Value*
Life In Years*
Accumulated Depreciation*