Credit Card Statement Reconciliation > Update
The Credit Card Reconciliation > Update page allows you to reconcile your credit card transactions for the selected statement period. There are three tabs: Reconciliation, Notes, and Attachments.
This Section Includes:
ØCredit Card Reconciliation Payment
Charges are on the left and Payments/Credits are on the right.
Charges on this page were entered through Enter Credit Card Transactions or Manage Unposted Credit Card Transactions. Payments on this page are the result of creating, saving, and paying a credit card payment invoice through the reconciliation process or selecting to apply a created payment invoice for a credit card vendor towards the credit card and then paying that invoice. |
For both sections the following columns are displayed:
On the left Statement Date and Statement Ending Balance display information you entered when creating or updating the selected statement period. The Difference is the amount between the calculated Statement Ending Balance and the entered Statement Ending Balance.
On the right the calculated Statement Starting Balance is displayed along with the Net Charged/Credits and Calculated Ending Balance.
The active report area at the bottom of the page keeps track of your progress as you mark transactions as cleared. After you have marked all cleared transactions the Difference field should show zero. The Statement Starting Balance and Calculated Ending Balance fields should match the amounts shown on your current credit card statement. |
Select items in the Charges and Payments/Credits sections to mark them as having cleared. You can also choose to import cleared items by clicking the Import Credit Card Statement link. Click the Choose File button and select your import file. The program accepts the .OFX, .QIF, .QFX, and Excel formats. Click the Import button to display the Credit Card Reconciliation Statement Import Report. This report displays all items in the imported file and whether they were imported. Click the Close Report button to return to the Credit Card Reconciliation page. All items that match (ItemDate and Amount) in the imported file are marked as cleared.
If importing an Excel file, it can have any name but must be saved in the .xslx format and contain these columns: Date (or ItemDate), Description (optional), and Amount.
Click the View Reconciliation Report button to display a preview of the report. There are two sections to the report: Current Summary and Cleared Items. The Current Summary displays the Opening Balance, Payments/Credits, Charges, and Ending Balance. The Cleared Items section displays the following information for each cleared item: Item#, Date, Description, and Amount. Once the preview displays you can navigate the pages, export to several formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, Word), and Print. Click the Close Report button when finished to return to the Reconciliation Update page.
Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.
The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. See the Attachments Help Page for detailed information regarding the attachments feature.
Credit Card Reconciliation Payment
Click the Finish button to finalize the statement period, the Apply and Finish Later button to save your progress and return to the Reconciliation page without finalizing, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the page was updated, or the Cancel link to discard all changes and return to the Reconciliation page.
If the Statement Ending Balance and Calculated Ending Balance fields do not match you are prompted that you are not in balance for the statement. Click the OK button to continue finalizing the statement or the Cancel link to return to the Update page and make corrections. |
The Finish button displays the Credit Card Reconciliation Payment window. You have the option for setting up a payment to the selected credit card for all or part of the statement ending balance.
Select an option from the following:
•Schedule Invoice to Pay: This option creates an invoice using the date in the Due Date field and the amount in the Payment Amount field and places it in Manage Unposted Transactions.
•Electronic Funds Transfer: Electronic Funds Transfers allow you to record e-Payments, e-Checks, PayPal payments, or any other online bill payments. When this option is selected, the Check Date field changes to Payment Date, and the Confirmation # field becomes available.
•Create a Manual Check: This option creates a manual check transaction using the information in the Check Number, Check Date, and Payment Amount fields and places it in Manage Unposted Transactions.
•Make No Payment Now: This option does not create a transaction.
If your ending balance is zero you normally select the option to Make No Payment Now. |
After making your selection and entering the appropriate information in the fields click the OK button to finish the reconciliation process or the Cancel link to return to the Update page without finalizing the reconciliation.