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Applications > Pension Billing > Utilities > Export/Import Appointee Information





Export/Import Appointee Information

Appointee Information can be exported to an Excel file using this utility, and the same file can then be modified to update existing appointment information, as well as to insert new appointments. No updates will be made, if rows contain no changes or if rows are removed when importing the file.

All columns that are part of the exported spreadsheet must remain in place and in order, for the import to accept the file. Only appointees with appointments on record will be included in the export file.


 This Section Includes:

ØFile Layout





File Layout

The first column should always remain blank.

CompanyNumber - Required. This is the company number for the appointees whose appointments will be updated/inserted. When importing, the company selected in the Current Financial Settings has to match the company referenced in the file.

AppointeeLastName  - This is the last name of the appointee. This is for informational purposes only. Changing the name on this column does not edit the appointee last name upon import.

AppointeeFirstName  - This is the first name of the appointee. This is for informational purposes only. Changing the name on this column does not update the appointee first name upon import.

PersonID - Required. This is the unique identifier for the appointee.

StartDate - Required. This is the Start Date of the existing appointment. This date can be edited to either update an existing appointment or to create a new one upon import.

EndDate - This is the End Date of the existing appointment. This date can be edited to either update an existing appointment or to create a new one upon import. EndDate can be left blank.

Position - Can be empty. Otherwise needs to match existing options in Shelby Financials.

District - Can be empty. Otherwise needs to match existing options in Shelby Financials.

Parsonage - Can be empty. Use an X to select the check box and enable the Parsonage Allowance option.

Equitable - Can be empty. Use an X to select the check box for the Equitable option.

LocalSalary - Can be empty. This is a numeric value and must be entered as whole dollars (Example: 99.99 or 1000.00)

HQSupport - Can be empty. This is a numeric value and must be entered as whole dollars (Example: 99.99 or 1000.00)

HousingAllowance - Can be empty. This is a numeric value and must be entered as whole dollars (Example: 99.99 or 1000.00)

Reimbursements - Can be empty. This is a numeric value and must be entered as whole dollars (Example: 99.99 or 1000.00)

ChargeName - Can be empty. This is for informational purposes only.

ChargeID - Required. This is the unique identifier for the charge. It needs to be an existing record already set up as a charge in Pension Billing.

NewChargeID - This field should be empty unless the user needs to change the existing charge on an appointment. This field may appear in currency format but it will be identified as a string upon import.

BillTo - Required. 'Charge' or 'Appointee' are the only two acceptable options. It cannot be left blank.

Active - Can be empty to represent an inactive appointment. Use an X to represent an active appointment.

NonStandard - Can be empty. Use an X to enable this option.

Type - This is the Pension Plain Information type as it currently exists in Shelby Financials. The spelling has to match existing options. If you are not sure of the type, it can be left empty for the user to manually edit inside the appointee record.

New Type - This field should be empty unless the user needs to change the existing Type on an appointment. The Type entered in this field has to match existing options in Shelby Financials.

PlanPercent - Can be empty. User can enter a decimal value (Example: 1.00 = 1% 2.50 = 2.5%). If zero is entered, upon importing the file, the program will assign the default values from the corresponding type when adding the pension plan information in the appointment.

PlanLimit - Can be empty. This is a numeric value and must be entered as whole dollars (Example: 99.99 or 1000.00). If zero is entered, the program will assign the default amount from the corresponding type when adding the pension plan information in the appointment.

AnnualPlanAmount - Can be empty. This is a numeric value and must be entered as whole dollars (Example: 99.99 or 1000.00). If zero is entered, the program will assign the default amount from the corresponding type when adding the pension plan information in the appointment.

AppointeeID - Required. Cannot be empty. This is a unique identifier for the appointee, as it currently exists in the database. DO NOT EDIT this AppointeeID.

AppointmentID – Can be empty. This is a unique identifier for the existing appointment. In order to edit an existing appointment, edit the information in this row and keep the AppointmentID as it was exported. If this field is empty, it will create a new appointment with the details provided in that row.


Choose the appropriate Filters for the export.

Filters allow you to reduce the number of entries that appear on the grid. Select from the following fields to filter your grid.



State / Province



Pension Plan Type

Start Date

End Date



1.          Click the Export button.

2.          Save as either an .xls or .xlsx file type.


Select the File to use for Importing Pension Billing. Valid file extensions are 'xls' and 'xlsx'.

1.          Click the Choose File button.

2.          After choosing a file, click Import.