Positive Pay layouts can vary from bank to bank. For this reason you may need to setup or customize a layout that meets the specifications for your bank. This page allows you to do that. There are options to add new layouts, copy existing layouts, or delete non-standard layouts. Assign the appropriate Positive Pay Layout to your bank accounts, within Modify > Bank Account Information.
Positive Pay Layouts Grid
Positive Pay layouts are listed on the grid with the following options.
•Click the link to add a new layout. Before adding a new layout, you should obtain the specifications from your bank and know if the Positive Pay file requires a Header, Total, or Final Total section. More details on adding a new layout can be found on the Positive Pay Layouts > Update page.
•Click the Edit icon to make changes to a layout. (Only layouts that are not marked as "Standard Format" can be edited.)
•Click the Delete icon to remove a layout. Deleting a layout cannot be undone.
•Click the Copy icon to copy an existing layout. This is useful when you have an existing layout that is close to the one your bank requires. After copying the layout, you can then edit the format instead of adding a new one from scratch.
NOTE: The Standard Format layouts cannot be changed or deleted. They are indicated with a Check Mark icon. Even though a standard format layout cannot be changed, it can be copied.