Modify Credit Card Information allows you to enter and track credit cards. You can enter transactions, reconcile, and finalize. This tool allows you to monitor charges made by staff members to one or multiple credit cards, scan receipts and supporting documents associated with a transaction, reconcile transactions, and pay the credit card bill. The following columns are displayed for each credit card in the grid:
•Credit Card:
•Balance: This is calculated by adding the Ending Balance from the most recent Credit Card Statement to all posted, unreconciled Credit Card Transactions (charges & payments).
•Users: Hover over the Users icon to see the users set up on the credit card.
•Active: Check mark indicates an active status.
•Note: Hover over the Note icon to preview the note.
•Setup: Hover over the Information icon to display user and time information for when the credit card was set up and last updated.
NOTE: Click on the Credit Card, Balance, Active, or Note heading to re-sort the credit cards in the grid.
Double-click on a credit card or click the Edit icon to edit a credit card in the grid. You can also click the Add New Credit Card link to add a new credit card (More Information). Click the Delete
icon by a credit card in the grid to be prompted to delete it. You can only delete credit cards to which transactions have not been posted.
Select a credit card in the grid and click the Reconcile Transactions button to reconcile that credit card (More Information).