Administrator Manual > Configuring Arena > Reports > Report Manager




Report Manager


As you customize Arena to fit the needs of your organization, you can add new reports or reports you either create from scratch or download from the Shelby Arena Community. The RDL (Report Definition Language) file can be easily uploaded, via Report Manager, to your Arena. Keep in mind some report zip files from the Arena Community may also contain a SQL file. In this case, you first need to successfully run the SQL file prior to uploading the RDL file. (You need permission to access the SQL Server and Report Manager to perform the following tasks if the report you want to upload has both a SQL and RDL file. If the report does not include a SQL file, skip to Uploading a RDL File steps.)

Running the SQL File

To run the SQL file, you can either open SQL Management Studio first or select the SQL File as long as you are running from the SQL Server.

From the SQL Server

Opening the SQL File

1.          Select the applicable Server Name and click the Connect button.

2.          Once connection is made to the SQL Server, select ArenaDB from the database drop-down.

3.          Verify the statement ran successfully.

4.          Proceed with RDL file upload.


Uploading the RDL File

The report URL should be the Report Server URL Organization Setting.

1.          Go to Arena Report Manager (e.g., http://<server>/Reportserver_SQL2012).

2.          Select the Arena Reports folder.

3.          Select the folder to which you want to add the report. Be sure the folder you select is a folder available in Arena. We select the contributions folder in this example.

4.          Click the Upload File button from the toolbar.

5.          Click the Browse button to select the RDL file to upload.

6.          Select the RDL file to upload. 

7.          Customize the name, if desired. Consider adding a unique identifier to the name to differentiate the custom report from core reports. 

8.          Click the OK button.

9.          Click the Manage option from the report drop-down list.

10.          From the Properties page, you can edit the name of the report and add a description for the report. For non-core (provided by Shelby Systems), you might consider adding comments about the origination of the report and possibly the Arena version it was written on.

11.          Select the Data Sources option from the Management page.

12.          Click the Browse button to locate and select the Arena DB.

13.          Expand the folder tree to display Data Sources and select Arena DB.

14.          Click the OK button.

15.          Click the Apply button.

16.          From the breadcrumb, select the folder to which you uploaded the report.

17.          Select the report to verify it runs correctly.

18.          The report is now available in Arena in the designated report folder.